2011 Dilworth Home Tour
The 2011 Dilworth Home Tour is only a few weeks away! FromFriday, September 16th to Saturday, September 17th the 2011 Dilworth Home Tour will be showcasing the community and its gorgeous homes. Being of one of the community”s oldest traditions, this year marks the 39th year for the Dilworth Home Tour.

The Dilworth Home Tour is the primary fundraiser for DCDA”s budget, which funds activities around the Dilworth Neighborhood such as the TOADs Dilworth Playgroup, the Jubilee, the Dilworth Quarterly, the DCDA website, the Dilworth Ladies Parties and Dilworth Cares.
The DCDA needs help form the community in lining up the nearly 200 hosts and hostesses that will need to work in the featured homes. If you”re interested in volunteering please contact Kate Andrews kate.andrews@huber.com. You can have your choice of shifts on Friday from 6-9 pm or Saturday from 10-12, 12-2 or 2-4 pm.

If you are interested in having your gorgeous Dilworth home on the tour please contact Kira Deter at kira.deter@gmail.com.