Cottage Chic Tent Sale
Cottage Chic is a lifestyle store located in the Dilworth neighborhood specializing in… that’s right… living a chic cottage lifestyle. Everything from comfy white sofas and beautiful white carpets, to originalart, quilts, clothing, and “Jackie O’s” signature white sunglasses. This isn’t you’re typical “big-box” retailer of mass production, Cottage Chic offers their customers handmade furniture, no-iron linens, retro appliances, and plenty of hard-to-find items that make perfect gifts.
Make sure you don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to get great deals on chic cottage living household andpersonal items.
if you’re interested in checking out any homes for sale in the Dilworth neighborhood or selling your Dilworth home, feel free to email me. There are some great homes to buy and sell in Dilworth!