Put Dilworth Walkability to use: Picnic at Freedom Park
Some of the best bungalowsin Charlotteare locatedin the Dilworth neighborhood, butwhat you may be unaware of is that it is also home to one of the best parks in town. The weather is warming up and we aren’t far from the picnic-worthy days of spring.Those who own a home in Dilworth will beeagerfor a day out at Freedom Park. This 98 acre expanse features a seven acre lake with a fountain and also has an adjacent nature museum.

There is something for everyone at this local park:
A train that children can explore
Large Playground
Tennis, Volleyball and Basketball courts
Bike Trails
Paved walkways around the lake make a great walk/run area

The historic roots of Dilwortharereflected in the 46 year-old tradition of Festival in the Park.Thiswonderful glimpse of local flavor and arthas beenlisted as one of the top 20 events for September 2011 by the Southeast Tourism Society.
It’s obvious that Freedom Park is a great bonus for residents of Dilworth and a great selling point for those looking for Dilworth Charlotte homes for sale.